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PULP Compile and run test

Step 1: Configuring Questa’s environment variables:

If you are using the pulp VM, QuestaSim and the PULP RISCV Toolchain are already installed. The paths in this tutorial are based on the VM.

If you are following this tutorial on your own machine, adjust the paths to where you installed the tools!

To configure the access to these tools in your user, run the following commands:

# PULP Toolchain
export PULP_RISCV_GCC_TOOLCHAIN=/opt/riscv
export PATH="$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin"

# Mentor Questa
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/mentor/license.dat
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mentor/questasim/linux_x86_64/

You should add these commands to the end of your .bashrc file, otherwise you’ll have to run it every time you log in to the machine.

Step 2: Downloading and compiling PULP

For this tutorial, create a pulp-tutorial folder in your home folder:

mkdir pulp-tutorial

Enter in the folder:

cd pulp-tutorial

Clone the PULP Project

git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp.git

Enter the folder

cd pulp

Source the tools configurations

source setup/vsim.sh

Download the project’s files

make checkout

Generate scripts

make scripts

BUG CORRECTION Comment line 57 in pulp/sim/Makefile, as it looks for a modelsim.ini file which does not exist (yet):

# @chmod +w modelsim.ini

Compile the project, you should get no errors.

make build

Step 3: Running the Hello World regression test on the PULP platform

In your pulp-tutorial folder clone the regression_tests and pulp-runtime repositories:

git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/regression_tests.git
git clone https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulp-runtime.git

Source pulp-runtime configurations:

source pulp-runtime/configs/pulp.sh

Set up the toolchain paths (unnecessary if you have followed Step 1!):

export PATH="$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin"
export PULP_RISCV_GCC_TOOLCHAIN="/opt/riscv"

Enter the test source folder:

cd regression_tests/hello

Compile and run (in Questa)!

make clean all run

Step 4: Done!

After some errors, warnings and debug output a [STDOUT-CL31_PE0] Hello ! message must appear on the screen.

You can use the regression_tests/hello folder as a template to develop your own PULP applications. The code is run in the complete hardware simulation in Questa.